The advantages of solar hot water systems in the Canberra Queanbeyan region
- If installed correctly, solar hot water systems are the cheapest of all hot water systems when it comes to running costs. Some evacuated tube solar hot water systems can be as low as 120kw per year – compared to average electric hot water systems that use 2600kw per year.
- Hourly electricity consumption can be as low as 20 Watts per hour when compared to 3600 Watts for a standard electric hot water system.
- If installed correctly, solar hot water systems are the least polluting type of hot water systems when compared to all other types of hot water systems.
- You are relatively immune to rising energy costs.
- When considering upfront costs and running costs you will easily recoup your money if you decide to install solar hot water rather than electric hot water.
- With some solar hot water brands you can have a tank mounted on the roof saving valuable space inside your house or on the ground.
- With some brands you can buy solar ready electric hot water tanks for a little more than standard electric storage hot water tanks. You can install the rest of the system later, if you choose. If you complete the install within 6 months you are entitled to the full STC solar hot water rebate.
- Heat pumps use a third of the energy of electric storage hot water systems without needing any extra floor space.
- Some manufactures provide finance. Repayments can be structured so that the total yearly cost of owning and operating the system is lower than the operating cost of a standard electric hot water system.
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The disadvantages of solar hot water systems.
- Significantly higher purchase and installation costs. Significantly higher repair costs, especially when they are installed incorrectly.
- Solar hot water systems take up a lot of space and their location is critical to their performance. This can make it difficult to locate the storage tank near wet areas.
- When considering upfront costs and running costs you may never fully recoup the monetary difference if you choose a solar hot water system over a high efficiency gas hot water system.
- Not enough Queanbeyan and Canberran plumbers know how to install or undertake solar hot water repairs or diagnose problems when they fail. This leads to inefficiencies and more repairs.
- Too many budget systems and fly by night installers keep popping up in the Canberra Queanbeyan region. While they may not last long, this is likely to mean that compatible solar hot water spare parts will continue to be hard to source.
- Despite manufacturers claims, some brands cannot withstand the very cold weather conditions in our region. Freezing pipes and collectors are a big issue.